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Information about a line item for a health, dental, prescription drug, etc. claim

Primary Key:Foreign Keys:Indexes:
ColumnData TypeNullableIndexedDescription
line_numbertextNoNoNumber assigned for differentiation within a transaction set (from LX01)
rev_codetextNoNoService line revenue code (from SV201)
procedure_typeproduct_service_id_typeYesNoDescribes the type of service such as HCPCS, ADA code, HIPPS code, etc. (From SV101_01, SV202_01, SV301_01)
procedure_codetextNoNoProduct or service identifier (from SV101_02, SV202_02, SV301_02)
procedure_modifier_listtext[]YesNoUp to four modifiers. This identifies special circumstances related to the performance of the service, as defined by trading partners (from SV101_03-06, SV202_03-06, SV301_03-06)
procedure_descriptiontextNoNoFree form description of the procedure (from SV101_07, SV202_07, SV301_07)
billed_amountnumericYesNoAmount billed (from SV102, SV203, SV302)
quantitynumericYesNoService unit count (from SV104, SV205 [with unit code UN], and SV306)
place_of_servicetextNoNoPlace of service code (from SV105)
facility_non_covered_amountnumericYesNoLine item denied or non-covered charge amount (from SV207)
dental_oral_cavity_designation_listtext[]YesNoDescribes the quadrant or arch and area of the oral cavity when not uniquely defined by the procedure code (From SV304)
dme_length_of_medical_necessitynumericYesNoLength of medical treatment required (From SV503)
dme_rental_pricenumericYesNoDME rental price (From SV504)
dme_purchase_pricenumericYesNoDME purchase price (From SV505)
dme_rental_unit_frequencytextNoNoDME rental billing frequency (From SV506)
ambulance_transport_reasonambulance_transport_reason_typeYesNoReason for ambulance transport (from CR104)
ambulance_pickup_address_idbigintYesNoAmbulance pickup location (From NM1 PW loop)
ambulance_dropoff_address_idbigintYesNoAmbulance dropoff location (From NM1 45 loop)
service_date_fromdateYesNoService date start (from DTP qualifier 472)
service_date_throughdateYesNoService date end (from DTP qualifier 472)
last_seen_datedateYesNoDate last seen (From DTP 304)
initial_treatment_datedateYesNoDate of initial treatment (From DTP 454)
line_item_provider_control_numbertextNoNoProvider's unique line item reference number (From REF 6R)
clia_numbertextNoNoClinical Lab number (From REF X4)
drug_ndctextNoNoNational Drug Code (From LIN02)
drug_unitsunit_typeYesNoDrug measurement unit (From CTP05)
drug_quantitynumericYesNoDrug unit quantity (From CTP04)
drug_prescription_numbertextNoNoPrescription number which can be used to piece together all components of a drug (From REF XZ)
claim_line_item_indexsmallintNoYesIndex of the line item within the claim. This may be used to differentiate between multiple line items within a claim when the line_number is not unique (non-EDI)
hcpcs_idbigintYesYesLinks to the HCPCS code for the line item
cpt_idbigintYesYesLinks to the CPT code for the line item
ada_cdt_idbigintYesYesLinks to the ADA/CDT code for the line item
tpa_network_identifiertextNoNoNetwork identifier assigned by the TPA (non-EDI)
tpa_network_nametextNoNoNetwork name assigned by the TPA (non-EDI)
tpa_network_statustextNoNoNetwork status according to the TPA (non-EDI)
payment_limitnumericYesNoThe max amount a provider can accept as payment for a line item. Under Medicare this is called the limiting charge (participating providers must accept Medicare as full payment, non-participating providers must accept 109.25% of Medicare, but opt-out providers have no limits on what they must accept as payment). A payment limit is usually enforced under a contract, but RBP and other baseline-based programs can also establish a payment limit through other means. A limiting charge is an important tool to protect patients from egregious charges even when a line item is denied coverage. See Payment Limit + Billed Adjustment = Billed
billed_adjustmentnumericYesNoAdjustments to the billed charge to get to the established payment limit for the line item. Payment Limit + Billed Adjustment = Billed
allowed_amountnumericYesNoAmount covered by the plan for this line item. Note that this includes both plan and member responsibility portions (e.g. copay, coinsurance, deductible). Allowed + Not covered = Payment Limit
not_covered_amountnumericYesNoAmount not covered by the plan for this line item. Allowed + Not covered = Payment Limit
allowed_adjustment_amountnumericYesNoAdjustments to the allowed amount such as payment discounts, etc. Allowed Adjustment + Plan Payment + COB Paid + Copay + Coinsurance + Deductible = Allowed
plan_payment_amountnumericYesNoAmount to be paid by the plan for this line item. Allowed Adjustment + Plan Payment + COB Paid + Copay + Coinsurance + Deductible = Allowed
cob_paid_amountnumericYesNoAmount paid by another plan for this line item. Allowed Adjustment + Plan Payment + COB Paid + Copay + Coinsurance + Deductible = Allowed
copay_amountnumericYesNoA fixed out-of-pocket amount paid by a member for covered services. Allowed Adjustment + Plan Payment + COB Paid + Copay + Coinsurance + Deductible = Allowed
coinsurance_amountnumericYesNoThe percentage of covered health costs that a member is responsible for paying after meeting their deductible. Allowed Adjustment + Plan Payment + COB Paid + Copay + Coinsurance + Deductible = Allowed
deductible_amountnumericYesNoThe amount a member must pay for covered health services before their health plan begins to pay. Allowed Adjustment + Plan Payment + COB Paid + Copay + Coinsurance + Deductible = Allowed
payment_identification_codetextYesNoIdentifier for the payment transaction. This could be an EFT number, check number, etc.
payment_method_typepayment_method_typeYesNoThe method used to make the payment. This could be EFT, check, etc.
payment_datedateYesNoThe date the payment was made
payment_to_providernumericYesNoPayment made to a provider by the plan. A negative amount is a payment from the provider to the plan
payment_to_membernumericYesNoPayment made to a member by the plan. A negative amount is a payment from the member to the plan
anesthesia_minutesnumericYesNoMinutes of anesthesia administration (from SV104, SV205, SV306 with unit code MJ)
daysnumericYesNoNumber of days (from SV104, SV205, SV306 with unit code DA)
diagnosis_code_pointerssmallint[]YesNoA 1-based array of diagnosis code pointers. Join to 0-based claim_diagnosis.claim_diagnosis_index for details (from SV107, SV311)
is_emergency_professionalbooleanYesNoEmergency-related indicator (from SV109)
is_epsdt_professionalbooleanYesNoIndicates whether claim is EPSDT referral (from SV111)
is_family_planning_professionalbooleanYesNoFamily planning involvement indicator (from SV112)
is_copay_exemptbooleanYesNoPatient is exempt from co-pay (from SV115, SV308)
dental_prosthesis_crown_or_inlay_placementdental_prosthesis_crown_or_inlay_placement_typeYesNoReports the placement type for the dental work (From SV305)
ambulance_patient_weight_in_lbsnumericYesNoWeight of patient transported by ambulance (From CR101)
ambulance_transport_distance_in_milesnumericYesNoDistance patient was transported by ambulance (From CR105)
ambulance_round_trip_purpose_descriptiontextNoNoDescribes why a round trip transport was required (from CR109)
ambulance_stretcher_purpose_descriptiontextNoNoDescribes why a stretcher was required (From CR110)
ambulance_conditions_applicabletext[]YesNoAmbulance certification of applicable patient conditions (From CRC01:07, CRC02:Y, CRC03/4/5)
ambulance_conditions_not_applicabletext[]YesNoAmbulance certification of not applicable patient conditions (From CRC01:07, CRC02:N, CRC03/4/5)
ambulance_patient_countsmallintYesNoNumber of patients transported by ambulance (From QTY PT)
dme_certification_typecertification_typeYesNoType of DME certification (From CR301)
dme_months_needednumericYesNoTime in months that DME equipment is needed (From CR303)
dme_conditions_applicabletext[]YesNoDME certification of applicable patient conditions (From CRC01:07, CRC02:Y, CRC03/4)
dme_conditions_not_applicabletext[]YesNoDME certification of non-applicable patient conditions (From CRC01:07, CRC02:N, CRC03/4)
dme_certification_datedateYesNoDate of certification or recertification (From DTP 607)
is_provider_hospice_employedbooleanYesNoIndicate whether provider is employed by a hospice (From CRC01:70, CRC02:Y)
prescription_datedateYesNoDate of prescription (From DTP 471)
begin_therapy_datedateYesNoBegin date of therapy (often DME related) (From DTP 463)
last_certification_datedateYesNoDate of last certification (often DME related) (From DTP 461)
most_recent_hemoglobin_or_hematocrit_datedateYesNoDate of most recent hemoglobin or hematocrit test (From DTP 738)
most_recent_serum_creatine_datedateYesNoDate of most recent serum creatine test (From DTP 739)
shipped_datedateYesNoDate shipped (From DTP 011)
last_x_ray_datedateYesNoDate of last x-ray (From DTP 455)
estimated_prior_placement_datedateYesNoEstimated date of prior dental work placement (From DTP 139)
prior_placement_datedateYesNoDate of prior dental work placement (From DTP 441)
appliance_placement_datedateYesNoDate of orthodontic applicance placement (From DTP 452)
replacement_datedateYesNoDate of orthodontic applicance was replaced (From DTP 446)
treatment_start_datedateYesNoDate of initial impression or preparation for a crown or denture (From DTP 196)
treatment_completion_datedateYesNoDate of course of treatment was completed (From DTP 198)
obstetric_anesthesia_additional_unitsnumericYesNoUsed to report additional complexity beyond the normal services (From QTY FL)
contract_typecontract_typeYesNoContract type (From CN101)
contract_amountnumericYesNoContract amount (From CN102)
contract_billed_percentagenumericYesNoContract billed percentage (From CN103)
contract_identification_codetextYesNoContract identification code (From CN104)
contract_term_discount_percenttextYesNoPercentage discount available if paid before the discount due date (From CN105)
contract_version_identifiertextYesNoContract version identifier (From CN106)
repriced_line_item_numbertextNoNoLine number according to the repricing organization or other intermediary (from REF 9A or 9B)
adjusted_repriced_line_numbertextNoNoAdjusted line number according to the repricing organization or other intermediary (from REF 9C or 9D)
line_item_prior_authorization_numbertextNoNoPrior authorization number for primary payer [non-destination payer not supported] (from REF G1)
mammography_certification_numbertextNoNoMammography certification number for a certified provider (from REF EW)
referring_clia_numbertextNoNoReferring clinical Lab number (From REF F4)
immunization_batch_numbertextNoNoImmunization batch number (From REF BT)
referral_numbertextNoNoReferral number for primary payer [non-destination payer not supported] (From REF 9F)
predetermination_identificationtextNoNoPredetermination of benefits identification for primary payer [non-destination payer not supported] (from REF G3)
sales_tax_amountnumericYesNoSales tax (From AMT T)
service_tax_amountnumericYesNoGoods and services tax (From AMT GT)
facility_tax_amountnumericYesNoFacility tax (From AMT N8)
postage_amountnumericYesNoPostage amount (From AMT F4)
purchased_service_provider_identifiertextYesNoPurchased service provider identifier (From PS101)
purchased_service_provider_charge_amountnumericYesNoPurchased service provider charge amount (From PS102)
reprice_methodologytextNoNoFrom HCP01
reprice_allowed_amountnumericYesNoFrom HCP02
reprice_savings_amountnumericYesNoFrom HCP03
reprice_organization_idtextNoNoFrom HCP04
reprice_per_diem_or_flat_rate_amountnumericYesNoFrom HCP05
reprice_approved_rev_codetextNoNoFrom HCP06
reprice_approved_procedure_qualifiertextNoNoFrom HCP09
reprice_approved_procedure_codetextNoNoFrom HCP10
reprice_approved_service_qtynumericYesNoFrom HCP12
reprice_reject_reason_codetextNoNoFrom HCP13
reprice_policy_compliance_codetextNoNoFrom HCP14
reprice_exception_codetextNoNoFrom HCP15
medical_necessity_form_qualifiercode_list_qualifier_typeYesNoIndustry code type (From LQ01)
medical_necessity_form_identifiertextYesNoIndustry code identifier (From LQ02)