A unique set of data associated with a member eligibility.
Primary Key:Checks:eligibility_case_number_check
-(case_number = upper(case_number))
-(client_number = upper(client_number))
-(eligibility_client_reporting_category = upper(eligibility_client_reporting_category))
-(cross_reference_number = upper(cross_reference_number))
-(department_or_agency_number = upper(department_or_agency_number))
-(health_insurance_claim_number = upper(health_insurance_claim_number))
-(eligibility_mutually_defined_id = upper(eligibility_mutually_defined_id))
-(ncpdp_pharmacy_number = upper(ncpdp_pharmacy_number))
-(personal_id_number = upper(personal_id_number))
-(pin_number = upper(pin_number))
-(eligibility_plan_sponsor_name = upper(eligibility_plan_sponsor_name))
-(plan_sponsor_other_id = upper(plan_sponsor_other_id))
-(plan_sponsor_tax_id ~ '^[0-9]*$'::text)
-("position" = upper("position"))
-(unit = upper(unit))
(Unique) -eligibility_hash
Column | Data Type | Nullable | Indexed | Description |
eligibility_id | bigint | No | Yes | - |
eligibility_plan_sponsor_name | text | No | No | Plan sponsor. This is typically the employer name (From N102 P5) |
plan_sponsor_tax_id | text | No | No | Plan sponsor Tax ID (From N104 FI or 24) |
plan_sponsor_other_id | text | No | No | Plan sponsor mutually defined ID (From N104 ZZ or 94) |
is_subscriber | boolean | No | No | Indicates whether member is the subscriber (From INS01) |
relationship_to_subscriber | individual_relationship_code | No | No | Describes member relationship with subscriber (From INS02) |
benefit_status | benefit_status_type | Yes | No | Describes the type of coverage. Could be Active, COBRA, Surviving Insured, TEFRA (From INS05) |
medicare_plan | medicare_plan_type | Yes | No | Describes Medicare enrollment for member (From INS06_01) |
medicare_eligibility_reason | medicare_eligibility_reason_type | Yes | No | Explains why member is eligible for Medicare (From INS06_02) |
cobra_qualifying_event | cobra_qualifying_event_type | Yes | No | The event which makes the member eligible for COBRA coverage (From INS07) |
employment_status | employment_status_type | Yes | No | Current employment status of the member (From INS08) |
student_status | student_status_type | Yes | No | Current student status of the member (From INS09) |
handicap_status | yes_no_response_type | Yes | No | Current student status of the member (From INS10) |
death_date | date | Yes | No | Date of death of the member (From INS12) |
confidentiality_code | confidentiality_code_type | Yes | No | Confidentiality code for the member (From INS13) |
eligibility_client_reporting_category | text | No | No | Provides information for subscriber reporting to client (From REF 17) |
client_number | text | No | No | To be used to pass a payer specific identifier for a member (From REF 23) |
case_number | text | No | No | Case number (From REF 3H) |
pin_number | text | No | No | Personal identification number (From REF 4A) |
cross_reference_number | text | No | No | Cross reference number (From REF 6O) |
personal_id_number | text | No | No | Personal identification number (From REF ABB) |
ncpdp_pharmacy_number | text | No | No | NCPDP pharmacy number (From REF D3). This is the member's preferred pharmacy |
department_or_agency_number | text | No | No | Department or agency the employee works in (From REF DX) |
health_insurance_claim_number | text | No | No | Used to report Medicare eligibility (From REF F6) |
position | text | No | No | Position the employee works in (From REF P5) |
unit | text | No | No | A unit of members in a coverage group (From REF QQ) |
eligibility_mutually_defined_id | text | No | No | Additional identifier as agreed upon by trading partners (From REF ZZ) |
enrollment_application_received | date | Yes | No | Enrollment application received date (From DTP 050) |
retirement | date | Yes | No | Retirement date (From DTP 286) |
initial_disability_period_return_to_work | date | Yes | No | Initial Disability Period Return To Work date (From DTP 296) |
initial_disability_period_last_day_worked | date | Yes | No | Initial Disability Period Last Day Worked date (From DTP 297) |
enrollment_signature_date | date | Yes | No | Enrollment Signature Date date (From DTP 300) |
cobra_qualifying_event_date | date | Yes | No | cobra Qualifying Event date (From DTP 301) |
employment_begin | date | Yes | No | Employment Begin date (From DTP 336) |
employment_end | date | Yes | No | Employment End date (From DTP 337) |
medicare_begin | date | Yes | No | Medicare Begin date (From DTP 338) |
medicare_end | date | Yes | No | Medicare End date (From DTP 339) |
cobra_begin | date | Yes | No | cobra Begin date (From DTP 340) |
cobra_end | date | Yes | No | cobra End date (From DTP 341) |
education_begin | date | Yes | No | Education Begin date (From DTP 350) |
education_end | date | Yes | No | Education End date (From DTP 351) |
eligibility_begin | date | Yes | No | Eligibility Begin date (From DTP 356) |
eligibility_end | date | Yes | No | Eligibility End date (From DTP 357) |
adjusted_hire | date | Yes | No | Adjusted Hire date (From DTP 383) |
credited_service_begin | date | Yes | No | Credited Service Begin date (From DTP 385) |
credited_service_end | date | Yes | No | Credited Service End date (From DTP 386) |
plan_participation_suspension | date | Yes | No | Plan Participation Suspension date (From DTP 393) |
rehire | date | Yes | No | Rehire date (From DTP 394) |
medicaid_begin | date | Yes | No | Medicaid Begin date (From DTP 473) |
medicaid_end | date | Yes | No | Medicaid End date (From DTP 474) |
marital_status | marital_status_type | Yes | No | Marital status (From DMG04) |
citizenship_status | citizenship_status_type | Yes | No | Citizenship status (From DMG06) |
health_situation | health_code_type | Yes | No | Indicates a specific health situation (From HLH01) |
height | numeric | Yes | No | Member height in inches (From HLH02) |
weight | numeric | Yes | No | Member weight in pounds (From HLH03) |
disability_status | disability_status_type | Yes | No | Disability status (From DSB01) |
disability_begin | date | Yes | No | Disability begin date (From DTP 360) |
disability_end | date | Yes | No | Disability end date (From DTP 361) |
eligibility_hash | uuid | No | Yes | A hash of the eligibility data |