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Keeps track of member eligibility information

Primary Key:Foreign Keys:Indexes:
ColumnData TypeNullableIndexedDescription
prior_id_numbertextNoNoPrior member identifier (From REF Q4)
eligibility_maintenance_typemaintenance_typeNoNoIdentifies the change type for this record (From INS03)
eligibility_maintenance_reasonmaintenance_reason_typeNoNoReason for the change (From INS04)
eligibility_maintenance_effective_datedateYesNoMaintenance effective date (From DTP 303)
member_seen_idbigintNoYesLinks to name, address and contact information for the member. (From NM1 IL or NM1 74 for a correction record)
prior_incorrect_member_seen_idbigintYesYesLinks to a prior incorrect name, address and contact information for the member. Null if not a correction (From NM1 70)
subscriber_member_eligibility_idbigintNoNoLinks to the member_eligibility_id of the subscriber