Valid Values:
Value | |
"Group" | "Outfit" |
"Packet" | "Ration" |
"Shot" | "Stick" |
"115 Kilogram Drum" | "100 Pound Drum" |
"55 Gallon Drum" | "Tank Truck" |
"20 Foot Container" | "40 Foot Container" |
"Deciliter per Gram" | "Grams per Cubic Centimeter" |
"Theoretical Pounds" | "Grams per Square Centimeter" |
"Actual Tons" | "Theoretical Tons" |
"Kilograms per Square Meter" | "Pounds per 1000 Square Feet" |
"Horsepower Days per Air Dry Metric Tons" | "Catchweight" |
"Kilograms per Air Dry Metric Tons" | "Kilopascal Square Meters per Gram" |
"Kilopascals per Millimeter" | "Milliliters per Square Centimeter Second" |
"Cubic Feet per Minute per Square Foot" | "Ounces per Square Foot" |
"Ounces per Square Foot per 0.01 Inch" | "Basis Points" |
"Milliliter per Second" | "Milliliter per Minute" |
"Centisimal Hahnemannian Dilution (CH)" | "Super Bulk Bag" |
"500 Kilogram Bulk Bag" | "300 Kilogram Bulk Bag" |
"25 Kilogram Bulk Bag" | "50 Pound Bag" |
"Bulk Car Load" | "Decimal Hahnemannian Dilution (DH)" |
"Actual Kilograms" | "Actual Tonnes" |
"Credits" | "Theoretical Kilograms" |
"Theoretical Tonnes" | "Korsakovian (K)" |
"Sitas" | "Mesh" |
"Net Kilograms" | "Parts Per Million" |
"Percent Weight" | "Parts Per Billion" |
"Percent Per 1000 Hours" | "Failure Rate In Time" |
"Pounds Per Square Inch Gauge" | "Coulomb" |
"Oersteds" | "Siemens" |
"Ampere" | "Test Specific Scale" |
"Volt" | "Volt-Ampere Per Pound" |
"Watts Per Pound" | "Ampere Turn Per Centimeter" |
"Milli Pascals" | "Fifty Millesimal (LM)" |
"Gauss" | "Mil" |
"Kilogauss" | "Electron Volt" |
"Pounds Per Square Inch Absolute" | "Henry" |
"Ohm" | "Farad" |
"Kilo Pounds Per Square Inch (KSI)" | "Foot Pounds" |
"Joules" | "Pounds per Cubic Foot" |
"Poise" | "Saybold Universal Second" |
"Stokes" | "Calories per Cubic Centimeter" |
"Calories per Gram" | "Curl Units" |
"20,000 Gallon Tankcar" | "10,000 Gallon Tankcar" |
"10 Kilogram Drum" | "15 Kilogram Drum" |
"Watt" | "Actual Pounds" |
"Statute Mile" | "Seconds" |
"Small Spray" | "Lifts" |
"Digits" | "Strand" |
"Heat Lots" | "Tire" |
"Car Mile" | "Car Count" |
"Locomotive Count" | "Caboose Count" |
"Empty Car" | "Train Mile" |
"Fuel Usage (Gallons)" | "Caboose Mile" |
"Fixed Rate" | "Ton Miles" |
"Locomotive Mile" | "Total Car Count" |
"Total Car Mile" | "Count" |
"Season" | "Tank Car" |
"Frames" | "Transactions" |
"Terabecquerel" | "Quarter Mile" |
"Radians Per Second" | "Radians Per Second Squared" |
"Roentgen" | "Ship Set" |
"Volts Per Meter" | "Volts (Alternating Current)" |
"Volts (Direct Current)" | "British Thermal Units (BTUs) Per Hour" |
"Cubic Centimeters Per Second" | "Cubic Feet Per Hour" |
"Cubic Feet Per Minute" | "Centimeters Per Second" |
"Decibels" | "Kilobyte" |
"Kilobecquerel" | "Kilocurie" |
"Megagram" | "Megagrams Per Hour" |
"Bin" | "Meters Per Minute" |
"Milliroentgen" | "Millivolts" |
"Megajoule" | "Manmonth" |
"Pounds Per Pound of Product" | "Kilograms Per Liter of Product" |
"Pounds Per Piece of Product" | "Kilograms Per Kilogram of Product" |
"Kilograms Per Piece of Product" | "Bobbin" |
"Cap" | "Centistokes" |
"Curie" | "20-Pack" |
"100-Pack" | "Microliter" |
"Meters Per Second" | "Meters Per Second Per Second" |
"Milliamperes" | "Megabyte" |
"Milligrams Per Hour" | "Megabecquerel" |
"Microfarad" | "Newtons Per Meter" |
"Ounce Inch" | "Ounce Foot" |
"Pascal" | "Picofarad" |
"Pounds Per Hour" | "Cubic Meter Per Hour" |
"Ton Per Hour" | "Kiloliter Per Hour" |
"Barrels per Minute" | "Batch" |
"Gallons per Thousand" | "Proof Gallons" |
"MMSCF/Day" | "Pounds per Thousand" |
"Pump" | "Stage" |
"Standard Cubic Foot" | "Hydraulic Horse Power" |
"Count per Minute" | "Seismic Level" |
"Seismic Line" | "Cord" |
"Duty" | "Project" |
"Program" | "Session" |
"Square Kilometer" | "Dollars per Hours" |
"Ball" | "Bulk Pack" |
"Acre" | "Bytes" |
"Amperes per Meter" | "Centigram" |
"Angstrom" | "Additional Minutes" |
"Average Minutes Per Call" | "Cop" |
"Fathom" | "Access Lines" |
"Ampoule" | "Minutes or Messages" |
"Ampere-turn" | "Aluminum Pounds Only" |
"Anti-hemophilic Factor (AHF) Units" | "Suppository" |
"Assortment" | "Atmosphere" |
"Ocular Insert System" | "Capsule" |
"Powder-Filled Vials" | "Twenty" |
"Assembly" | "British Thermal Units (BTUs) per Pound" |
"British Thermal Units (BTUs) per Cubic Foot" | "Barrels per Day" |
"Bunks" | "Batting Pound" |
"Barrel, Imperial" | "Billet" |
"Bun" | "Cycles" |
"Board" | "Batt" |
"Bale" | "Base Box" |
"Bucket" | "Bundle" |
"Beam" | "Board Feet" |
"Bag" | "Brush" |
"Bar" | "Band" |
"Book" | "Block" |
"Bolt" | "Bulk" |
"Bottle" | "100 Board Feet" |
"Brake horse power" | "Barrel" |
"Basket" | "Belt" |
"Bushel" | "Bushel, Dry Imperial" |
"Base Weight" | "Box" |
"British Thermal Unit (BTU)" | "Million BTUs/Dekatherm" |
"Calls" | "Composite Product Pounds (Total Weight)" |
"Carset" | "Centiliter" |
"Carload" | "Cost" |
"Cell" | "Centipoise (CPS)" |
"Cubic Decimeter" | "Coil Group" |
"Case" | "Carboy" |
"Cubic Centimeter" | "Carat" |
"Centigrade, Celsius" | "Cubic Feet" |
"Card" | "Container" |
"Cubic Inches" | "Cone" |
"Connector" | "Cylinder" |
"Centimeter" | "Can" |
"Cubic Meters (Net)" | "Crate" |
"Cartridge" | "Cubic Meter" |
"Cassette" | "Carton" |
"Cup" | "Cover" |
"Hundred Pounds (CWT)" | "Coil" |
"Cubic Yard" | "Combo" |
"Dollars, Canadian" | "Shares" |
"Square Decimeter" | "Kilogram Per Square Centimeter" |
"Draize Score" | "Dyne per Square Centimeter" |
"Days" | "Dry Pounds" |
"Disk (Disc)" | "Degree" |
"Deal" | "Dram" |
"Decigram" | "Miles" |
"Dispenser" | "Decagram" |
"Kilometers" | "Deciliter" |
"Decimeter" | "Deci Newton-Meter" |
"Dollars, U.S." | "Dozen Pair" |
"Data Records" | "Drum" |
"Display" | "Dry Ton" |
"Dyne" | "Calendar Days" |
"Dynes per Centimeter" | "Directory Books" |
"Dozen" | "Hectometer" |
"Inches, Fraction--Average" | "Inches, Fraction--Minimum" |
"Inches, Fraction--Actual" | "Inches, Decimal--Average" |
"Inches, Decimal--Actual" | "English, (Feet, Inches)" |
"Each" | "Electronic Mail Boxes" |
"Each per Month" | "Inches, Decimal--Nominal" |
"Employees" | "Inches, Fraction-Nominal" |
"Double-time Hours" | "Knots" |
"Locations" | "Inches, Decimal-Minimum" |
"Eleven pack" | "Equivalent Gallons" |
"Envelope" | "Feet, Inches and Fraction" |
"Feet, Inches and Decimal" | "Feet and Decimal" |
"Thousand Cubic Feet Per Day" | "International Unit" |
"Equivalent" | "Minim" |
"MOL" | "Price Per Share" |
"Fibers per Cubic Centimeter of Air" | "Fahrenheit" |
"Fields" | "Million Particles per Cubic Foot" |
"Track Foot" | "Hundred Cubic Meters" |
"Transdermal Patch" | "Micromolar" |
"Sizing Factor" | "Fibers" |
"Flake Ton" | "Million Cubic Feet" |
"Fluid Ounce" | "Pounds per Sq. Ft." |
"Feet Per Minute" | "Feet Per Second" |
"Foot" | "Fluid Ounce (Imperial)" |
"U.S. Gallons Per Minute" | "Imperial Gallons Per Minute" |
"Gigabecquerel" | "Gill (Imperial)" |
"Bit" | "Microfiche Sheet" |
"Gigacalories" | "Gigabyte" |
"Gallon" | "Gallons/Day" |
"Grams per 100 Grams" | "Gross Barrels" |
"Pounds per Gallon" | "Grams per 100 Centimeters" |
"Great Gross (Dozen Gross)" | "Half Gallon" |
"Imperial Gallons" | "Grams per Milliliter" |
"Grams per Kilogram" | "Grams per Liter" |
"Grams per Sq. Meter" | "Gross Gallons" |
"Milligrams per Square Meter" | "Milligrams per Cubic Meter" |
"Micrograms per Cubic Meter" | "Gram" |
"Gross" | "Gross Kilogram" |
"Gauss per Oersteds" | "Gigajoules" |
"Gallons Per Thousand Cubic Feet" | "Grain" |
"Gross Yard" | "Gage Systems" |
"Half Pages - Electronic" | "Half Liter" |
"18-Pack" | "Hectoliter" |
"22-Pack" | "30-Pack" |
"38-Pack" | "62-Pack" |
"75-Pack" | "Hank" |
"Hundred Boxes" | "Hundred Count" |
"Half Dozen" | "Hundredth of a Carat" |
"Hundred Feet" | "Hectogram" |
"Hundred Cubic Feet" | "Hundred Sheets" |
"Horsepower" | "Hundred Kilograms" |
"Hundred Feet - Linear" | "Miles Per Hour" |
"Millimeters of Mercury" | "Hundred Troy Ounces" |
"Millimeter H20" | "Hectare" |
"Hours" | "Hundred Square Feet" |
"Half Hour" | "Hundred" |
"Hundred Weight (Short)" | "Hundred Weight (Long)" |
"Hundred Yards" | "Hertz" |
"Inch Pound" | "Inches Per Second (Vibration Velocity)" |
"Counts per Inch" | "Person" |
"Inches of Water" | "Inner Package" |
"Inhaler" | "Column-Inches" |
"Peaks per Inch (PPI)" | "Inches per Minute" |
"Impressions" | "Inch" |
"Insurance Policy" | "Stops" |
"Counts per Centimeter" | "Inches Per Second (Linear Speed)" |
"Inches Per Second Per Second (Acceleration)" | "Inches Per Second Per Second (Vibration Acceleration)" |
"80-Pack" | "Joule Per Kilogram" |
"81-Pack" | "82-Pack" |
"84-Pack" | "85-Pack" |
"96-Pack" | "5000-Pack" |
"Left Unit" | "Job" |
"Jumbo" | "Caplet" |
"Joule Per Kelvin" | "Joule per Gram" |
"Mega Joule per Kilogram" | "Refill" |
"Megajoule/Cubic Meter" | "Pan" |
"Joint" | "Prepack" |
"Jar" | "Use" |
"Tin" | "Jug" |
"Ovule" | "Exposure" |
"Kilowatt Demand" | "Kilovolt Amperes Reactive Demand" |
"Kilovolt Amperes Reactive Hour" | "Kilovolt Amperes" |
"Kilovolt Amperes Reactive" | "Kiloliter" |
"Kilowatt" | "Kilograms per Millimeter Squared (KG/MM2)" |
"Cake" | "Kilocharacters" |
"Kilograms per Cubic Meter" | "Kilograms Decimal" |
"Keg" | "Kilopackets" |
"Kilogram" | "Kilowatt Hour" |
"Kilograms/Millimeter Width" | "Kilosegments" |
"100 Kilograms" | "Kilograms/Meter" |
"Kilograms per Square Meter, Kilograms, Decimal" | "Millequivalence Caustic Potash per Gram of Product" |
"Kilometers Per Hour" | "Kilopascal" |
"Kiloroentgen" | "Kit" |
"Task" | "Kelvin" |
"Kilograms per Millimeter" | "Milliliters per Kilogram" |
"Right Unit" | "Liters Per Minute" |
"Pounds Per Cubic Inch" | "Pound" |
"Linear Centimeter" | "Lite" |
"Linear Foot" | "Long Ton" |
"Labor Hours" | "Linear Inch" |
"Large Spray" | "Link" |
"Lifetime" | "Linear Meter" |
"Length" | "Lot" |
"Liquid Pounds" | "Liters Per Day" |
"Layer(s)" | "Lump Sum" |
"Liter" | "Linear Yards Per Pound" |
"Linear Yard" | "Magnetic Tapes" |
"Milligrams per Liter" | "Millimeter-Actual" |
"Mat" | "Monetary Value" |
"Microcurie" | "Millibar" |
"Micro Inch" | "Mega Pascals" |
"Million British Thermal Units per One Thousand Cubic Feet" | "Machine/Unit" |
"Millimeter-Nominal" | "Microgram" |
"Air Dry Metric Ton" | "Milligram" |
"Milligram per Sq. Ft. per Side" | "Metric Gross Ton" |
"Microns (Micrometers)" | "Metric" |
"Minutes" | "Milligrams Per Square Inch" |
"Milliliter" | "Millimeter" |
"Metric Net Ton" | "Months" |
"Metric Ton" | "1000 Meters" |
"Meter" | "Square Millimeter" |
"Metric Long Ton" | "Millicurie" |
"Number of Mults" | "Metric Ton Kilograms" |
"Mixed" | "Millimeter-Average" |
"Millimeter-minimum" | "Pen Calories" |
"Number of Lines" | "Print Point" |
"Pen Grams (Protein)" | "Megahertz" |
"Parts" | "Cartridge Needle" |
"Milligrams per Kilogram" | "Barge" |
"Car" | "Net Barrels" |
"Net Liters" | "Messages" |
"Net Gallons" | "Message Hours" |
"Net Imperial Gallons" | "Number of Screens" |
"Nights" | "Load" |
"Nautical Mile" | "Train" |
"Mho" | "Micro Mho" |
"Short Ton" | "Trailer" |
"Newton-Meter" | "Vehicle" |
"Newton" | "Parts Per Thousand" |
"Pounds Per Air-Dry Metric Ton" | "Panel" |
"Billboard" | "Ounces per Square Yard" |
"Two pack" | "Overtime Hours" |
"Ounce - Av" | "Pages - Electronic" |
"Percent" | "Pounds per Foot" |
"Three pack" | "Four-pack" |
"Five-pack" | "Six pack" |
"Seven pack" | "Eight-pack" |
"Nine pack" | "Pail" |
"Pair Inches" | "Piece" |
"Pad" | "Pounds Equivalent" |
"Pallet (Lift)" | "Pounds Gross" |
"Pack (PAK)" | "Pitch" |
"Pounds, Decimal - Pounds per Square Foot - Pound Gage" | "Package" |
"Pallet/Unit Load" | "Pounds-Percentage" |
"Pounds Net" | "Pounds per Inch of Length" |
"Plate" | "Pages per Inch" |
"Pair" | "Pounds per Sq. Inch" |
"Pint" | "Mass Pounds" |
"Half Pint" | "Pounds per Inch of Width" |
"Pint, Imperial" | "Peck, Dry U.S." |
"Peck, Dry Imperial" | "Quarter (Time)" |
"Pint U.S. Dry" | "Meal" |
"Fifty" | "Twenty-Five" |
"Thirty-Six" | "Twenty-Four" |
"Pages - Facsimile" | "Pages - Hardcopy" |
"Channel" | "Quarter Dozen" |
"Photographs" | "Quarter Hours" |
"Quarter Kilogram" | "Quire" |
"Quart, Dry U.S." | "Quart" |
"Quart, Imperial" | "Pica" |
"Becquerel" | "Revolutions Per Minute" |
"Calorie" | "Thousands of Dollars" |
"Millions of Dollars" | "Billions of Dollars" |
"Roentgen Equivalent in Man (REM)" | "Thousand Cubic Meters" |
"Rack" | "Radian" |
"Rod (area) - 16.25 Square Yards" | "Rod (length) - 5.5 Yards" |
"Reel" | "Ring" |
"Running or Operating Hours" | "Roll-Metric Measure" |
"Roll" | "Ream" |
"Ream-Metric Measure" | "Round" |
"Pounds per Ream" | "Resets" |
"Revenue Ton Miles" | "Run" |
"Semester" | "Trimester" |
"Square Feet per Second" | "Square Meters per Second" |
"Sixty-fourths of an Inch" | "Sessions" |
"Storage Units" | "Standard Advertising Units (SAUs)" |
"Slip Sheet" | "Sandwich" |
"Square Mile" | "Square Centimeter" |
"Solid Pounds" | "Section" |
"Square Foot" | "Segment" |
"Sheet" | "Square Inch" |
"Sack" | "Split Tanktruck" |
"Sleeve" | "Square Meter" |
"Square Rod" | "Spool" |
"Shelf Package" | "Square" |
"Strip" | "Sheet-Metric Measure" |
"Set" | "Skid" |
"Skein" | "Shipment" |
"Square Yard" | "Syringe" |
"Telecommunications Lines in Service" | "Thousand pounds gross" |
"Thousandths of an Inch" | "Thousand Pieces" |
"Thousand Bags" | "Thousand Casings" |
"Thousand Gallons" | "Thousand Impressions" |
"Thousand Linear Inches" | "Thousand Kilowatt Hours/Megawatt-Hour" |
"Tenth Cubic Foot" | "Tube" |
"Truckload" | "Therms" |
"Tote" | "Ten Square Yards" |
"Gross Ton" | "Thousand" |
"Thousand Square Inches" | "Thousand Sq. Centimeters" |
"Tank" | "Thousand Feet (Linear)" |
"Thousand Feet (Board)" | "Net Ton (2,000 LB)." |
"Troy Ounce" | "Ten-pack" |
"Thousand Feet" | "Ten Square Feet" |
"Thousand Square Feet" | "Thousand Linear Meters" |
"Thousand Linear Yards" | "Thousand Kilograms" |
"Thousand Sheets" | "Troy Pound" |
"Tray" | "Thousand Cubic Feet" |
"Treatments" | "Tablet" |
"Ten" | "Two Hundred Fifty" |
"Torr" | "Telecommunications Lines in Service - Average" |
"Telecommunications Ports" | "Tenth Minutes" |
"Tenth Hours" | "Usage per Telecommunications Line - Average" |
"Ten Thousand Yards" | "Unitless" |
"Million Units" | "Unit" |
"Troche" | "Wafer" |
"Application" | "Dosage Form" |
"Inhalation" | "Lozenge" |
"Percent Topical Only" | "Milliequivalent" |
"Dram (Minim)" | "Fifty Square Feet" |
"Fifty Count" | "Flat" |
"Pouch" | "Volt-ampere per Kilogram" |
"Five Hundred" | "Vial" |
"Percent Volume" | "Volt-ampere-reactive" |
"Visit" | "Wet Kilo" |
"Watts per Kilogram" | "Wet Pound" |
"Work Days" | "Wet Ton" |
"Wine Gallon" | "Wheel" |
"Weight per Square Inch" | "Week" |
"Working Months" | "Pennyweight" |
"Wrap" | "Milliliters of Water" |
"Chains (Land Survey)" | "Bunch" |
"Clove" | "Drop" |
"Head" | "Heart" |
"Leaf" | "Loaf" |
"Portion" | "Base Box per Pound" |
"Slice" | "Tablespoon" |
"Teaspoon" | "Tub" |
"Yard" | "100 Lineal Yards" |
"Years" | "Ten Yards" |
"Lift Van" | "Chest" |
"Cask" | "Hogshead" |
"Lug" | "Conference Points" |
"13-pack Marketing" | "Newspaper Agate Line" |
"14-pack Marketing" | "Bimonthly" |
"Biweekly" | "Semiannual" |
"Kilojoule" | "Ping" |
"16-pack Marketing" | "48-pack Component Parts" |
"51-pack Component Parts" | "52-pack Component Parts" |
"60-pack Gift Packs" | "72-pack Gift Packs" |
"83-pack Gift Packs" | "10-pack Marketing" |
"120-pack Promotional" | "150-pack Component Parts" |
"Page" | "200-pack Component Parts" |
"1000-pack Component Parts" | "15-Pack" |
"Barrel, Dry" | "Barrel, Liquid" |
"Apothecary Scruple" | "Mutually Defined" |
"Thimble Full" | "Degrees Lovibond" |
"Pieces per 100 Grams" | "Pieces per 10 Pounds" |
"Proof" | "Scoville Units" |
"Water Activity" | "Apothecary Pound" |
"Briquet" | "Fold" |
"Apothecary Ounce" | "Pillow" |
"Seat" | "Family Unit" |
"United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) Unit" | "Absorbance" |
"Bloom Units" | "Brabender Units" |
"Count per Ounce" | "Count per Pound" |
"Count per Pouch" | "Milligrams per Gram" |
"Millipoises" | "Degrees Brix" |
"Degrees Lintner" | "International Units per Gram" |
"Furlong" | "Grams per 100 Cubic Inches" |
"Gallons Capacity" | "Hospital Beds" |
"Persons, Capacity" | "Pellet" |
"Kilocalorie" | "Thousand Gallons Per Day" |
"Outlet" | "Apothecary Grain" |
"Operating Unit" | "Five" |
"Quarter" | "Thousand Rounds" |
"Mixed Module V3" | "Multipack V4" |
"Setpack" | "Prepack Assortment V6" |
"Base Unit" | "Terabytes" |
"Mixed Module EK" | "Multipack EL" |
"Prepack Assortment ES" | "Order" |
"Per Annum" | "Millimole" |
"Kilovolt Potential" | "Mother Tincture (TM)" |
"Nanogram" | "Blister Pak" |
"Clamshell Package" | "Kilovolt" |
"Cubic Millimeter" | "U.S Gallons at 60 Degrees Fahrenheit" |
"Dose" | "Landings" |
"Flight Hours" | "Liters at 15 Degrees Celcius" |
"Order Line" | "Volume" |
"Percent volume per volume (v/v)" | "Percent weight per volume (w/v)" |
"Percent weight per weight (w/w)" | "Slab" |
"Daily Value (DV)" | "Display Shipper" |
"Retinol Activity Equivalents" | "Mixed Module RV" |
"Single Unit" | "Transport Load" |
"International Bittering Units (IBU)" |