Information about a healthcare or prescription drug claim
Primary Key:Foreign Keys:ambulance_dropoff_address_id
Column | Data Type | Nullable | Indexed | Description |
claim_id | bigint | No | Yes | - |
claim_transaction_type | text | No | No | Type of transaction (from BHT06) |
tpa_adjudication_method | adjudication_method_type | Yes | No | Method used by TPA to adjudicate a claim (non-EDI) |
tpa_claim_status | text | No | No | Status of the claim according to the TPA (non-EDI) |
patient_control_number | text | No | No | Identifier used to track a claim from creation by the health care provider through payment (from CLM01) |
claim_billed_amount | numeric | Yes | No | The total amount of all submitted charges of service segments for this claim (from CLM02) |
facility_type | text | No | No | Code identifying where services were, or may be, performed (from CLM05_01) |
claim_type | claim_type | Yes | No | Type of healthcare claim such as dental, medical, short-term disability, etc. (non-EDI) |
form_type | form_type | No | No | Identifies the form the claim was submitted on such as UB-04 or HCFA (from CLM05_02) |
claim_frequency_type | text | No | No | Code specifying the frequency (i.e. sequence of the claim in its billing/payment lifecycle) of the claim (from CLM05_03) |
provider_accept_assignment | boolean | Yes | No | Code indicating whether the provider accepts assignment (from CLM07) |
patient_assigned_benefits | boolean | Yes | No | A 'Y' value indicates insured or authorized person authorizes benefits to be assigned to the provider; an 'N' value indicates benefits have not been assigned to the provider. (from CLM08) |
release_of_information | boolean | Yes | No | Code indicating whether the provider has on file a signed statement by the patient authorizing the release of medical data to other organizations (from CLM09) |
patient_signature_source | text | No | No | [Professional claims only] Code indicating how the patient or subscriber authorization signatures were obtained and how they are being retained by the provider (from CLM10) |
related_cause_list | text[] | Yes | No | [Professional claims only] To identify one or more related causes and associated state or country information (from CLM11_01 through CLM11_01-02) |
auto_accident_state | text | No | No | State where the auto accident occured for property & casualty claims (From CLM11_05 + REF LU) |
auto_accident_country | text | No | No | Country where the auto accident occured on property & casualty claims (From CLM11_06) |
delay_reason | text | No | No | Code indicating the reason why a request was delayed (from CLM20) |
earliest_service_date | date | Yes | No | Earliest service date among services, or statement date if not found |
latest_service_date | date | Yes | No | Latest service date among services, or statement date if not found |
statement_date_from | date | Yes | No | Begin statement date (From DTP 434) |
statement_date_through | date | Yes | No | End statement date (From DTP 434) |
admit_date | date | Yes | No | Date patient was admitted to the facility for treatment (From DTP 435) |
discharge_date_or_hour | date | Yes | No | Date (HCFA) or hour (UB-04) patient was discharged from the facility after treatment (From DTP 096) |
initial_treatment_date | date | Yes | No | Date of the first treatment for the same condition as this claim (From DTP 454) |
onset_of_symptoms_or_illness_date | date | Yes | No | Date of initial medical service or visit performed when different than date of service (From DTP 431) |
accident_date | date | Yes | No | Date of accident (From DTP 439) |
last_seen_date | date | Yes | No | Date last seen for the same condition of the claim (From DTP 304) |
repricer_received_date | date | Yes | No | Date repricer received claim (From DTP 050) |
tpa_received_date | date | Yes | No | Date TPA received claim (non-EDI) |
tpa_processed_date | date | Yes | No | Date TPA processed claim (non-EDI) |
facility_admission_type | text | No | No | Indicates the type of admission (from CL101) |
facility_admission_source | text | No | No | Indicates the source of admission (e.g. point of origin) (from CL102) |
facility_patient_status | text | No | No | Indicates patient status at the time of discharge (e.g. discharge status) (from CL103) |
patient_amount_paid | numeric | Yes | No | Amount paid by patient (From AMT F5) |
claim_number | text | No | No | Claim number according to the clearing house, van, or other intermediary (from REF D9) |
payer_claim_number | text | No | No | Claim number according to the payer or other intermediary (from REF F8) |
repriced_claim_number | text | No | No | Claim number according to the repricing organization or other intermediary (from REF 9A) |
medical_record_number | text | No | No | Medical record number for the patient (from REF EA) |
icn_number | text | No | No | Internal control number (non-EDI) |
its_number | text | No | No | ITS number (non-EDI) |
prior_authorization_number | text | No | No | Prior authorization number (from REF G1) |
clia_number | text | No | No | CLIA lab performing lab services (from REF X4) |
ambulance_transport_reason | ambulance_transport_reason_type | Yes | No | Reason for ambulance transport (from CR104) |
ambulance_pickup_address_id | bigint | Yes | No | Ambulance pickup location (From NM1 PW loop) |
ambulance_dropoff_address_id | bigint | Yes | No | Ambulance dropoff location (From NM1 45 loop) |
condition_list | text[] | Yes | No | NUBC condition codes (From HI BG) |
treatment_code_list | text[] | Yes | No | NUBC treatment codes (From HI TC) |
reprice_methodology | text | No | No | Code specifying pricing methodology at which the claim has been priced or repriced (from HCP01) |
reprice_allowed_amount | numeric | Yes | No | Allowed amount (From HCP02) |
reprice_savings_amount | numeric | Yes | No | Savings amount (From HCP03) |
reprice_organization_id | text | No | No | Code identifying the organization that has repriced the claim (from HCP04) |
reprice_per_diem_or_flat_rate_amount | numeric | Yes | No | Per diem or flat rate amount (From HCP05) |
reprice_approved_drg_or_apg_code | text | No | No | Code specifying the approved Diagnosis Related Group or Ambulatory Patient Group (from HCP06) |
reprice_approved_drg_or_apg_amount | numeric | Yes | No | Approved DRG or APG amount (From HCP07) |
reprice_approved_inpatient_days | numeric | Yes | No | Approved inpatient days (From HCP12) |
reprice_reject_reason | text | No | No | Code assigned by issuer to identify reason for rejection (from HCP13) |
reprice_policy_compliance | text | No | No | Code specifying policy compliance (from HCP14) |
reprice_exception | text | No | No | Code specifying the exception reason for consideration of out-of-network health care services (from HCP15) |
data_error_list | text[] | Yes | No | - |
property_and_casualty_claim_nbr | text | No | No | Property and Casualty Claim Number (from Subscribers's REF Y4) |
claim_member_id | bigint | No | No | Information needed to identify the patient (from Loop 2000A and 2000B) |
trading_partner_submission_id | bigint | No | Yes | Trading partner file submission details |
pay_to_plan_id | bigint | Yes | No | Links to the plan requesting subrogation payment. Rarely used (From Loop 2010AC) |
patient_death_date | date | Yes | No | Date of patient death (From PAT06) |
patient_is_pregnant | yes_no_response_type | Yes | No | Indicates whether patient is pregnant (From PAT09) |
acute_manifestation_date | date | Yes | No | Date of acute manifestation of a chronic condition (From DTP 453) |
last_menstrual_period_date | date | Yes | No | Date of last menstrual period (From DTP 484) |
last_x_ray_date | date | Yes | No | Date of last x-ray (From DTP 455) |
prescription_date | date | Yes | No | Date of hearing or vision prescription (From DTP 471) |
disability_date | date | Yes | No | Start and end date of disability (From DTP 314) |
initial_disability_period_start_date | date | Yes | No | Date disability period began (From DTP 360) |
initial_disability_period_end_date | date | Yes | No | Date disability period ended (From DTP 361) |
last_worked_date | date | Yes | No | Date last worked (From DTP 297) |
return_to_work_date | date | Yes | No | Date authorized to return to work (From DTP 296) |
assumed_care_start | date | Yes | No | Date post-operative care began (From DTP 090) |
relinquished_care_date | date | Yes | No | Date post-operative care ended (From DTP 091) |
first_visit_or_consultation_date | date | Yes | No | Date of first visit to provider for this condition (From DTP 444) |
orthodontic_treatment_months_total | numeric | Yes | No | Total months of orthodontic treatment (from DN101) |
orthodontic_treatment_months_remaining | numeric | Yes | No | Remaining months of orthodontic treatment (from DN102) |
contract_type | contract_type | Yes | No | Contract type (From CN101) |
contract_amount | numeric | Yes | No | Contract amount (From CN102) |
contract_billed_percentage | numeric | Yes | No | Contract billed percentage (From CN103) |
contract_identification_code | text | Yes | No | Contract identification code (From CN104) |
contract_term_discount_percent | text | Yes | No | Percentage discount available if paid before the discount due date (From CN105) |
contract_version_identifier | text | Yes | No | Contract version identifier (From CN106) |
estimated_patient_responsibility | numeric | Yes | No | Estimated patient responsibility (From AMT F3) |
predetermination_identification | text | No | No | Predetermination of benefits identification number (from REF G3) |
service_authorization_exception_code | text | No | No | Code to explain why authorization was not requested prior to care (from REF 4N) |
mandatory_medicare_crossover_indicator | text | No | No | Describes when Medicare claim should crossover to Medigap or COB (from REF F5) |
mammography_certification_number | text | No | No | Mammography certification number for a certified provider (from REF EW) |
referral_number | text | No | No | Referral number (from REF 9F) |
adjusted_repriced_claim_number | text | No | No | Adjusted claim number according to the repricing organization or other intermediary (from REF 9C) |
investigational_device_exemption_number | text | No | No | FDA investigational device exemption number (from REF LX) |
demonstration_project_identifier | text | No | No | Identifies demonstration or special project (from REF P4) |
care_plan_oversight_number | text | No | No | Care plan oversight number (from REF 1J) |
peer_review_organization_approval_number | text | No | No | Medical necessity approval from peer review organization (from REF G4) |
ambulance_patient_weight_in_lbs | numeric | Yes | No | Weight of patient transported by ambulance (From CR101) |
ambulance_transport_distance_in_miles | numeric | Yes | No | Distance patient was transported by ambulance (From CR105) |
ambulance_round_trip_purpose_description | text | No | No | Describes why a round trip transport was required (from CR109) |
ambulance_stretcher_purpose_description | text | No | No | Describes why a stretcher was required (From CR110) |
ambulance_conditions_applicable | text[] | Yes | No | Ambulance certification of applicable patient conditions (From CRC01:07, CRC02:Y) |
ambulance_conditions_not_applicable | text[] | Yes | No | Ambulance certification of non-applicable patient conditions (From CRC01:07, CRC02:N) |
spinal_manipulation_condition | nature_of_condition_type | Yes | No | Spinal manipulation patient condition (From CR208) |
spinal_manipulation_patient_condition_note1 | text | Yes | No | Spinal manipulation patient condition description (From CR210) |
spinal_manipulation_patient_condition_note2 | text | Yes | No | Spinal manipulation patient condition description (From CR211) |
is_homebound | boolean | Yes | No | Patient is homebound (From CRC01:75, CRC02:Y) |
reprice_approved_revenue_code | numeric | Yes | No | Approved revenue code (From HCP08) |
reprice_approved_service_quantity | numeric | Yes | No | Approved service quantity (From HCP12) |
transaction_date | date | Yes | No | Date of the transaction (from BHT04) |
patient_weight_in_kilograms | numeric | Yes | No | Patient Weight (from PAT08 or HI Value Code A8) |
ambulance_patient_count | smallint | Yes | No | Number of patients in ambulance ride (From QTY PT) |
ambulance_pickup_zip | text | Yes | No | Ambulance pickup ZIP code (From HI with HIxx_01=BE and HIxx_02=A0. This is the value required in CMS Internet Only Manual) |
dme_certification_type | certification_type | Yes | No | Type of DME certification (From CR301) |
dme_need_months | numeric | Yes | No | Length of time DME equipment is needed (From CR303) |
dme_applicable_conditions | text[] | Yes | No | DME certification of applicable patient conditions (From CRC01:09, CRC02:Y) |
dme_not_applicable_conditions | text[] | Yes | No | DME certification of not applicable patient conditions (From CRC01:09, CRC02:N) |
rendering_provider_is_hospice_employee | boolean | Yes | No | Indicates whether rendering provider is an employee of the hospice (From CRC01:70, CRC02:Y or N) |
vision_spectacle_lenses_applicable_conditions | text[] | Yes | No | Conditions that apply to spectacle lens claim (From CRC01:E1, CRC02:Y) |
vision_spectacle_lenses_not_applicable_conditions | text[] | Yes | No | Conditions that do not apply to spectacle lens claim (From CRC01:E1, CRC02:N) |
vision_spectacle_frames_applicable_conditions | text[] | Yes | No | Conditions that apply to spectacle frame claim (From CRC01:E3, CRC02:Y) |
vision_spectacle_frames_not_applicable_conditions | text[] | Yes | No | Conditions that do not apply to spectacle frame claim (From CRC01:E3, CRC02:N) |
vision_contacts_applicable_conditions | text[] | Yes | No | Conditions that apply to contact lens claim (From CRC01:E2, CRC02:Y) |
vision_contacts_not_applicable_conditions | text[] | Yes | No | Conditions that do not apply to contact lens claim (From CRC01:E2, CRC02:N) |
epsdt_referral_applicable_conditions | boolean | Yes | No | Conditions that apply to EPSDT referral claim (From CRC01:ZZ, CRC02:Y) |
epsdt_referral_not_applicable_conditions | text[] | Yes | No | Conditions that do not apply to EPSDT referral claim (From CRC01:ZZ, CRC02:N) |