Information about other subscribers that may be responsible for payment during coordination of benefits. Some repricers also use the SBR/CAS segments to indicate the price for a primary payer, even if that is not technically spec compliant
Primary Key:Foreign Keys:claim_id
Column | Data Type | Nullable | Indexed | Description |
payment_date | date | Yes | No | Date of payment (From DTP 573) |
claim_id | bigint | No | Yes | - |
coordination_of_benefits_index | smallint | No | Yes | represents coordination of benefits member order in the claim. |
payer_responsibility_sequence | payer_responsibility_sequence_type | Yes | No | Payer responsibility order for Coordination of Benefits (From SBR01) |
relationship_to_subscriber | individual_relationship_code | Yes | No | Relation of individual to the subscriber (From SBR02 / PAT01) |
group_or_policy_number | text | No | No | Subscriber group or policy number (From SBR03) |
group_name | text | No | No | Subscriber Group Name (From SBR04) |
insurance_type | insurance_type | Yes | No | Type of insurance (From SBR05) |
claim_filing_indicator | claim_filing_indicator_type | Yes | No | Type of claim (From SBR09) |
payer_amount_paid | numeric | Yes | No | Amount paid by the payer (from AMT02 D) |
remaining_patient_liability | numeric | Yes | No | Remaining patient liability (from AMT02 EAF) |
noncovered_charge_amount | numeric | Yes | No | Actual non covered charges (from AMT02 A8) |
member_seen_id | bigint | No | Yes | Link to member_seen table to get data from NM1, N3, N4, REF, and PER segments |
insurer_payer_id | bigint | Yes | Yes | Link to insurer_payer table (From NM1 loop 2010BB) |
prior_authorization_number | text | No | No | Prior authorization number (from REF G1) |
referral_number | text | No | No | Referral number (from REF 9F) |
was_adjusted_by_other_payer | boolean | No | No | Other payer adjusted the claim (from REF T4) |
payer_claim_number | text | No | No | Claim number according to the payer or other intermediary (from REF F8) |