Valid Values:
Value | |
"Not Found" | "Response" |
"Not Processed" | "Request" |
"Advance Notification" | "Re-Submission" |
"Proposed" | "Cancel, to be Reissued" |
"Reissue" | "Seller initiated change" |
"Final Transmission" | "Transaction on Hold" |
"Information Copy" | "Draft" |
"Incremental" | "Replace - Specified Buyers Parts Only" |
"Verify" | "Query" |
"Renewal" | "Allowance/Addition" |
"Recovery/Deduction" | "Request for Payment" |
"Payment Declined" | "Request Authority" |
"Authority to Deduct (Reply)" | "Authority Declined (Reply)" |
"No Financial Value" | "Response to Proposed Trip Plan" |
"Commitment Advice" | "Corrected and Verified" |
"Temporary Record" | "Request Permission to Service" |
"Rejection" | "Follow-up" |
"Cancellation with Refund" | "Transfer" |
"Suspended" | "Original - No Response Necessary" |
"Register" | "Historical Inquiry" |
"Response to Historical Inquiry" | "Completion" |
"Approval" | "Excavation" |
"Expiration Notification" | "Initial" |
"Simulation Exercise" | "Original" |
"Cancellation" | "Add" |
"Delete" | "Change" |
"Replace" | "Confirmation" |
"Duplicate" | "Status" |
"Chargeable Resubmission" | "Completion Notification" |
"Corrected" | "Final Loading Configuration" |
"Granted" | "Proposed Loading Configuration" |
"Release Hold" | "Revised Loading Configuration" |
"Status Update" | "Mutually Defined" |
"Scan Based Trading" | "Delgate to Alternative" |
"Exhibit Disposition" | "Exhibit Receipt" |
"Forward to Action Point" | "Forward to Contractor" |
"Forward to Support Point" | "Materiel Disposition" |
"Re-open" | "Reply Rebuttal" |