Valid Values:
Value | |
"Children Only" | "Dependents Only" |
"Employee and One Dependent" | "Employee and Two Dependents" |
"Employee and Three Dependents" | "Employee and One or More Dependents" |
"Employee and Two or More Dependents" | "Employee and Three or More Dependents" |
"Employee and Four or More Dependents" | "Employee and Five or More Dependents" |
"Employee and Children" | "Employee Only" |
"Employee and Spouse" | "Family" |
"Individual" | "Subscriber and 1 child" |
"Subscriber and 1 or more children" | "Subscriber and 2 or more children" |
"Spouse and Children" | "Spouse Only" |
"Subscriber, spouse, and 1 child" | "Subscriber, spouse, and 1 or more children" |
"Subscriber, spouse, and 2 or more children" | "Subscriber and spouse" |
"Two Party" |