Valid Values:
Value | |
"403(B) Tax Sheltered Annuity" | "Basic Life" |
"Supplemental Life" | "Preventative Care/Wellness" |
"24 Hour Care" | "Workers Compensation" |
"Medicare Risk" | "Mental Health" |
"Alternative Medicine" | "Paid Up Life" |
"Dependent Life" | "Acupuncture" |
"Death and Dismemberment" | "Supplemental Death and Dismemberment" |
"Weekly Indemnity" | "Weekly Indemnity - New York Employees" |
"Chiropractic Care" | "Employee Comprehensive" |
"Hearing" | "Lifestyle Life (Individualized Basic Life)" |
"Major Medical" | "Non-Qualified" |
"Universal Life" | "Utilization Review" |
"Durable Medical Equipment" | "Foot Care" |
"Substance Abuse" | "Accidental Death or Dismemberment" |
"403(C) Church Exempt Annuity Plans Covered by ERISA" | "Contributory Life" |
"Dental Capitation" | "Dental" |
"408k Empl Spons Qualfd Defnd Distrbtn Plans Fnded w/ Indiv IRAs" | "Exclusive Provider Organization" |
"Facility" | "Flexible Spending" |
"457(B) Government Deferred Compensation" | "Health" |
"Health Maintenance Organization" | "Group Individual Retirement Account" |
"408(B) Individual Retirement Account (IRA) Annuity Contract" | "Long-Term Care" |
"Long-Term Disability" | "Mail Order Drug" |
"457(F) Non-Government Deferred Compensation" | "Prescription Drug" |
"Point of Service" | "Preferred Provider Organization" |
"Practitioners" | "Profit-Sharing Plan" |
"401(K) Qualified Cash or Deferred Arrangement" | "401(A) Qualified Defined Contribution" |
"Short-Term Disability" | "Vision" |
"Mutually Defined" | "Ancillary" |
"Combined Dental and Vision" | "Combined other than Dental and Vision" |