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9 posts tagged with "release"

METL Release

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v1.8.0 Release

· One min read
Founder and CEO

We're excited to announce version 1.8 of METL!

The main public user-facing features of 1.8 are data fixes for a number of data loads that were released previously and the website (this documentation)! We have enabled documentation by dynamically reading the latest Atlas .HCL files, so it should be simple to keep the documentation up to date each release.

While not yet public, this release also adds a UI to METL! It's being tested and should land in the 1.9 version of METL for general usage. The UI includes 2 different views of claims data (PDF view and HTML view), a demo of the upcoming extractor wizard, a demo of the manual patient matching functionality and more. In addition to claims data, the UI also includes Transparency in Coverage (TiC) data for each claim to provide a sense of contract rates for different carriers and TPA's.

v1.7.0 Release

· 2 min read
Founder and CEO

We're excited to announce version 1.7 of METL!

This release adds several new lookup tables that assist in reporting, data analysis, and even typical transactional claims processing, a bunch of foundational features that will be enabled in future releases, and some other data improvements surrounding EDI 837 claim storage.

v1.6.5 Release

· 3 min read
Founder and CEO

Version 1.6 of METL has arrived!

This release adds a bunch of new data loads, improves view and data loading performance, adds additional type safety with PGGen and adds initial capability upon which we will be building out patient and provider matching.

v1.5.0 Release

· One min read
Founder and CEO

The 1.5 release has arrived!

While this release brought important new data loads and additional features, it was never deployed outside of My Price Health.

v1.4.0 Release

· 8 min read
Founder and CEO

The 1.4 METL release is here!

Now that we've got a bunch of data in the database, this release focuses on performance. We made some significant improvements to some of our tables and views to improve performance. We also switched to using a new function called insert_with_id to load many tables and saw a massive productivity improvement for data load script development.

v1.3.0 Release

· 3 min read
Founder and CEO

METL 1.3 is released and represents a big improvement in eligibility loading.

A big focus for the 1.3 release was to make eligibility loading more standardized. At this point, we've loaded eligibility for several TPA's and we wanted to standardize the way we've been doing that. For this release we unified load scripts as much as possible. We hope this can continue to speed up the amount of time it takes to load new eligibility data.

v1.2.0 Release

· 2 min read
Founder and CEO

We're excited to release METL 1.2.

There are lots of pretty major changes with this release that make it possible to keep iterating as quickly as possible on METL. One of the biggest for us was introducing Atlas for database deployment. Previously, we had been using sqitch, but it requires 100% of the migration scripts be written by hand. Atlas allows us to define the database model in .HCL files and it builds the migration for us. Already, we're finding it easier to make significant code changes to the database faster and easier. Our database feels more agile thanks to Atlas!

v1.1.0 Release

· 4 min read
Founder and CEO

METL 1.1 is released!

This release is an important milestone in the development of METL. With this release, we introduced metl-deploy which is a set of scripts that make it super easy to deploy METL on AWS. My Price Health uses METL on Google Cloud and Health Rosetta uses METL on AWS so metl-deploy takes METL on a multi-cloud journey. Since METL runs on Kubernetes, we are confident it can also easily run on Azure and bare metal too.

v1.0.0 Release

· 3 min read
Founder and CEO

Introducing METL, the new healthcare data platform and our 1.0 release!

Prior to this release, METL was being used by My Price Health for our claims pricing workflow. With this release, we teamed up with Health Rosetta to share the codebase and build something amazing together. The main feature of the 1.0 release is that we moved our claims schema to a new repository at